You know the ones I’m talking about. They’re big, they’re cumbersome and they’re HEAVY. But you hate to get rid of one because that old serving tray is so pretty. And there may be a fond memory or two attached to it. Let’s explore some creative ideas to re-purpose glass serving trays.
Over the years, I have come across some gorgeous serving trays at the thrift store. In today’s world, people just don’t entertain at a sit down meal around the table anymore. So, that heavy glass platter that belonged to mom or grandma never gets used and takes up too much space in a cabinet.
Too pretty not to re-purpose
If you’re reading this, you must like pretty things, too. But you just can’t keep everything; I know…neither can I. However, what if that glass or ceramic serving tray served a different function? Then, it’s out of storage and freeing up room in that cabinet.
Creating a new use for things that may otherwise stay in a box under the house is what makes re-purposing so endearing. It’s downright exciting when that item can fill a need (albeit a ‘different’ one) and be where it can be seen and admired. With a new assigned function, the piece is valued in a whole new way. A family hand-me-down is preserved, and you won’t feel bad about having to part with it.
Looking for a great summer project for the home or garden? Here are THREE great ways to re-purpose glass serving trays.
1) An Artsy Window

There’s artistry that goes into everything, whether simplistic or elegant in design. Glass lends itself nicely to both. Decorative glass serving trays are typically set aside for upscale entertaining or special occasions like holidays. They’re made of sturdy, thick glass, which also makes them heavy and cumbersome.
Yet that quality is precisely what makes them PERFECT for a transom windows! Transom windows are those side panels next to or above the front door. Or, consider a small, decorative window in a bathroom, or at the end of a hallway. Serving trays are usually made of thicker, sturdier glass than the standard window pane, so you shouldn’t have to worry about insulation.
You could pair two or three glass serving trays together in a frame and make yourself an original glass panel that would draw raves.
Other fine places for a serving tray window

Do you have a garden shed, a studio or a detached office on your property? Maybe it could use a little sprucing up. In addition to a new coat of paint, why not install a glass serving tray window for inspiration? Such a window gives an expensive, architectural look to an otherwise ordinary building.
Everyone will wonder where you got a window like that. Imagine their surprise when you tell them it’s a serving tray!
For a stained glass look, you could paint the glass on the underside. (the side facing inward). When the sun shines through, it looks like a genuine stained glass window.
2) Patio Table
Personally, I think of re-purposing a serving tray as functional art. And what could make a more charming appearance on your patio than a little tray table? As a platter, it wasn’t getting used at all. But now, on my front porch, it gets used all the time!
If you have ever made a garden totem before, this project is very similar in concept. The only difference is that you’ll want to use strong, sturdy components that will balance the weight and dimension of the serving tray on top.
MAKE ONE: See my tutorial on how to make a jazzy little side table
These little tables are not very tall, so keep that in mind. The one pictured here is only about 16-17 inches to accommodate my short legged chair.
Tip: for a pretty little patio table, look for a pretty serving tray

3) Plant Stand
A whimsical plant stand is another terrific way to re-purpose a glass serving tray. You won’t find anything like it at WalMart!
Like the little side table above, a plant stand should be made with sturdy materials in mind because glass serving trays are heavy.
TIP: Always use an upside-down plate or pie dish for the base to give your plant stand some stability. That way, it’s not easily knocked over by the dog or people coming or going.
MAKE ONE: Use my Garden Totems Tutorial for making a plant stand

Some final thoughts
If there’s a unique glass or ceramic tray you love, but just don’t think you would use it, I hope you will think again!
Summer is here, and if your planning a renovation whether large of small, I hope you can incorporate one of these 3 ways to re-purpose glass serving trays.
Would you take a quick moment to share your thoughts or ideas in the comments below? Then pull up a seat for a friend as you visit together out on the deck. Sip ice tea with a cute little patio table between you. I’ll bet the conversation starter is that pretty tray from grandma.

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