Nature Themes · Reflections on the Garden · Writer's Nook

When Spring Comes Early in Alaska

Taking delight in the changing seasons Spring came early this year. A whole month early. Reports said it was the warmest March in 30 years. Temperatures leaped into the low to mid 40’s and steady breezes vaporized the snow. The distinct drumming of woodpeckers echoed through the trees. This is the type of weather that… Continue reading When Spring Comes Early in Alaska

Reflections on the Garden · Writer's Nook

The Allure of the Garden: Why the Intrigue?

“To sit in the shade on a fine day and look upon the verdure is the most perfect refreshment” ~Jane Austen What comes to your mind when you think of a garden? Peace? Quiet? Relaxation? You may be surprised to learn that those words do not actually describe the garden itself, but rather how being… Continue reading The Allure of the Garden: Why the Intrigue?