Free Tutorials · Garden Art

DIY Garden decor with a big dose of Plattertude.

You’ve seen ’em at the thrift store. Big, heavy glass or ceramic serving platters. They’re pretty, but what would do with one? I’m glad you asked. Here are three fun ideas for DIY garden decor with plenty of “platter-tude” Every garden needs a sense of the whimscal. Something a bit out of the ordinary that… Continue reading DIY Garden decor with a big dose of Plattertude.

Free Tutorials · Garden Art

Re-purpose a glass platter into a jazzy side table

Who uses them anymore? Visit any thrift store, and you’ll likely find a stack of heavy, glass serving platters. Younger generations don’t typically entertain this way, so Mom or grandma’s decorative glass platters end up at the 2nd hand store. But they don’t have to stay there! I recently discovered the perfect way to re-purpose… Continue reading Re-purpose a glass platter into a jazzy side table