Free Tutorials · Garden Art

DIY Garden decor with a big dose of Plattertude.

You’ve seen ’em at the thrift store. Big, heavy glass or ceramic serving platters. They’re pretty, but what would do with one? I’m glad you asked. Here are three fun ideas for DIY garden decor with plenty of “platter-tude” Every garden needs a sense of the whimscal. Something a bit out of the ordinary that… Continue reading DIY Garden decor with a big dose of Plattertude.

Free Tutorials · Garden Art

Re-purpose a glass platter into a jazzy side table

Who uses them anymore? Visit any thrift store, and you’ll likely find a stack of heavy, glass serving platters. Younger generations don’t typically entertain this way, so Mom or grandma’s decorative glass platters end up at the 2nd hand store. But they don’t have to stay there! I recently discovered the perfect way to re-purpose… Continue reading Re-purpose a glass platter into a jazzy side table

Gardening Tips · In the Garden · Perennials

Why did my perennial die?

Why Does a Perennial Die? Perennials re-emerging after a long dark winter bring a sense of joy to the gardener. Spring-flowering varieties give us our first bright colors of the season. Which is why it’s so disappointing when you discover that one or more just didn’t make it. Such is the learning curve with perennials.… Continue reading Why did my perennial die?

Free Tutorials · Garden Art

Plastic dishes make cheerful flowers for the garden

Light-weight alternatives to using glass Plastic dishes make cheerful flowers for the garden. They are just as colorful and whimsical as their heavy, glass and ceramic counterparts. If you’ve wanted to make your own dish flowers, but found that working with glass dishes is a bit more than you really want to get into, then… Continue reading Plastic dishes make cheerful flowers for the garden

Garden Styles & Decor · In the Garden

The Art of the Flea Market Garden

Flea Market Garden: Garden Design Series There’s a peculiar fascination with the Flea Market garden. It’s continued popularity has stumped a lot of those ‘experts’ in garden design and decor. The next-door neighbor peeks over the fence with raised eyebrows. One man’s trash is another man’s treasure, as the saying goes. Yet, there is definite… Continue reading The Art of the Flea Market Garden

Nature Themes · Writer's Nook

Meet Alaska’s Wildflowers in Spring

Come see what’s in bloom around my place Nothing is more welcomed than Alaska’s wildflowers in the Spring. The season got off to a great start by showing up a little early. Here I am raking leaves in March and my mood is nothing short of ecstatic. (SEE short story “When Spring Comes Early”) Then,… Continue reading Meet Alaska’s Wildflowers in Spring