Craft Tutorial: Deck the Halls Golf Balls
“Oh, my goodness, it’s a golf ball!” I hear that all the time when my craft show customers draw near for a closer look. Once they see it’s a golf ball, they gotta have one. With tongue in-cheek, I suggest they get FOUR!
Golf ball tree ornaments?
Everyone knows someone who plays golf, so it’s a perfect gift. Best of all, they are small, light weight and easy to ship in the mail to the golfer on your list. What’s more, it can go right up on the tree!
Even if you’re not into golf, it’s still a cute up-cycle/re-purpose craft that’s fun to make. Each one can be a bit different, too. Make one a ‘boy’ or a ‘girl’ by painting the hat pink or blue.
Use carrot-colored modeling clay to shape noses: big, small or crooked. Position them any direction you want on the face; to the right, left or sticking straight out. You can even give them different facial expressions!
Where to get golf balls:
There’s no need to buy them new. Your local thrift store may have lots of used golf balls donated by instructors or the local golf course. If not, try the used sports equipment places. There should be plenty on hand this time of the year.
It’s ok if used golf balls have chips or scuff marks from being out on the green. They’ll look all the more authentic!
Say “Cheese!”

Materials List for Golf Ball Tree Ornaments:

I hope you’ll enjoy making Golf Ball Tree ornaments!

Q: How much snow do you need to build a snowman? A: A 6ft tall snowman requires 19 cubic feet of compacted snow
Q: How much does a snowman weigh? A: the largest snowman on record was 113 ft tall and weighed 9,000,000 lbs!
Q: Who was Snow-Zilla? A: Snow-Zilla was a giant snowman 2.5 stories tall (complete with stove-pipe hat) made from real snow built by a man in Anchorage, Alaska. He did it several years in a row for Christmas spirit. But his giant snowman brought so much traffic into his tiny neighborhood that the neighbors asked the City to tell him not to make it anymore.
Q: Who’s the most famous snowman? A: Frosty, of course! The song “Frosty the Snowman” was written in 1950 by Steve Nelson & Jack Rollins” The cartoon we all know and love came out in 1969.
*Source: Wikipedia

Kristen specializes in up-cycled crafts. She has a reputation for quality and attention to detail, and her artworks show it. She takes such joy in making things “extra special”, especially during the holidays. Her craft posts may entail a bit more description geared to those who don’t make crafts on a regular basis. Even if you do, you’ll appreciate the thoughtful insights so your projects turn out beautiful!
Other Unique Holiday Crafts You Might Like:
Snowman Globe Table-top Decoration
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Nice, simple ornament to make! I also enjoy your trivia! ” )
Thanks Lorna! I wanted to offer a cute craft that was simple and doable for the holidays.