The artistry of finding and using little things
GARDEN DECOR SERIES: Trivets Make Pretty Decor
Little things can have a big impact in your garden and trivets make pretty decor. We usually think of trivets in conjunction with the kitchen. But cast iron or stainless steel trivets make wonderful garden art. The trick is learning how to use them artistically.
Make it a Garden is about ‘simple paths to inviting places. One of the simplest ways to begin personalizing your outdoor spaces is by using art. And decorative trivets are among the cheapest ways to accomplish that.
Look for trivets at garage sales or your local thrift store. They come in all shapes and sizes and are virtually weather-proof. If you’re not into the rusty look, then just spray-paint them your favorite color!
Trivets make pretty decor in the garden
Whether its trivets or any other thing you want to use for decor in the garden, have a ‘theme’ in mind. A ‘theme’ is a certain decor style that most appeals to you. That could be vintage, French-country, farm/rustic or simply traditional. If you’re un-decided, know that some themes harmonize more naturally together than others do.
Bottom line, you want each piece to tie in somehow in order to give you the desired results. You’ll put a little bit of time and effort into it, so make it count! Otherwise, you could end up with a hodge podge of things that may disappoint.
For example, I live in a very wooded area. But my own decor leans towards vintage and English Cottage. Fortunately, both these styles are very casual in nature so they blend well against the backdrop of my more wild and untamed spaces. Whenever I’m out thrifting, I look for critters that naturally fit the woodland setting…butterflies, little birds, frogs and owls. In the photo below, my $5 dollar owl trivet is right at home in some lower tree branches, just above eye-level.

Getting creative with trivets
Here’s another fun tip: Not everything needs to be readily seen. Stick something partially out of sight so that it may be “discovered” down the garden path. This is how small things have a bigger impact. However, if you have more than one little birdie, elf or frog, you might want to group them together so they become more of a focal point.
Regardless of your garden theme or ‘style’, you’ll get the biggest impact if you place your trivet decor where it makes the most sense. That may be out in the open, where it’s propped up against a flower pot, or hung on a fence post.

Here’s another spot where trivets make pretty decor. I have a rugged, log fence that lines the pathway to my garden shed. Even with a flowering planter, it just needed ‘something’ more. In this case, I chose to leave the cast iron trivet unpainted for a more rustic look.
Next, I found this pretty, decorative trivet at a thrift store. Hearts are one of my favorite shapes. I spray painted it pink to match the trim on my garden shed. It hangs on the wall next to the door and just gives the shed a soft touch of charm.

So use your imagination. You might not have a woodsy surrounding, but you could still make good use of that owl by spray-painting him hot pink. Then, glue on some sparkling beads and voila! He’d take on an entirely different character in your garden. There are no hard and fast rules, here. Make him fit into your environment where he could put a smile on someone’s face.
Trivets often get overlooked at a garage sale or thrift store because they’re intended for use in the kitchen, not the garden. But metal trivets make the prettiest and cheapest outdoor decor that personalizes your space. So, the next time you’re at a thrift store, you might wanna keep an eye out for trivets.
More from the Garden Decor Series
The best Way to Display Vintage Tools in the Garden
How to Get the Most Out of Your Garden Decor

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Awesome, Kris – I love the owls!
Thank you!