Garden Styles & Decor · In the Garden

How to decorate your garden with flair

Decorate your Garden: Garden themes round-up Many of us have a favorite garden decor style that we just adore. One which we would most love to spend time in. You probably have a certain piece of art, sculpture or lawn ornaments you put out each Spring to enjoy. But a garden is more than just… Continue reading How to decorate your garden with flair

Garden Styles & Decor · In the Garden

The Art of the Flea Market Garden

Flea Market Garden: Garden Design Series There’s a peculiar fascination with the Flea Market garden. It’s continued popularity has stumped a lot of those ‘experts’ in garden design and decor. The next-door neighbor peeks over the fence with raised eyebrows. One man’s trash is another man’s treasure, as the saying goes. Yet, there is definite… Continue reading The Art of the Flea Market Garden