Garden Styles & Decor · In the Garden

How to Prevent Resin Lawn Ornaments From Fading

resin lawn ornament fairy girl next to a pot of flowers
Fairy Garden decor by Make it a Garden

Preserving the color and beauty of your yard and garden art

Fact: resin lawn ornaments are prone to fading. But, I didn’t realize that my darling little resin fairy could lose all her color by the end of summer. She is such a perfect accent among my potted plants.

I came across her one day, as I was shopping at my favorite local thrift store. An adorable pair of resin fairies. They were exactly what I was looking for and a ‘steal’ at $1.00 each. Gluing the one fairy to a pretty ceramic pedestal, I set her out on the front porch with my flowers. Little did I know the peril she was in.

Spring is here. As you’re getting out your lawn ornaments, you’re probably thankful that they’re not too heavy. That lightweight material is most likely resin. That makes them easy to handle as you bring them out of the garage or storage shed. But perhaps you’ve also noticed that they just don’t have the deep, rich colors they had when they were new. Red has turned pinkish and blue is almost gray. That’s a common problem with resin lawn ornaments.

Why resin lawn ornaments fade

In a nut shell, resin is a tough, synthetic plastic which makes it ideal for outdoors. It’s quite popular for yard and garden decor because unlike stone or ceramics, it’s light-weight. Who doesn’t appreciate that? However, most of these resin lawn ornaments sold at big box stores (and sometimes at smaller garden centers) are made in China. The quality of the dyes in paint is often poor and prone to fading, especially when exposed to direct sunlight. Sadly, one summer may be all it takes for your little elf or frog to lose its luster.

Saving the fairy

A week or so later, I was on Craig’s List scrolling through the Farm & Garden listings, as I do from time to time. An ad with an awful photo of a grayish-green blob immediately caught my attention. The ad said “Garden Art”, except it was impossible to identify the item. I just had to know what the thing was. Turns out, it was a frog.

The seller explained that the resin frog had been purchased the summer before and was in great shape. It’s just that Mr. Frog spent too much time in the sun and all his color washed out. Suddenly, I thought of my fairy. I brought her inside and then sat down at my computer to see if I could find something on the market that might save her and preserve her beauty.

a spray can of Spar Urethane used to prevent lawn ornaments from fading

An excellent solution for Resin Lawn Ornaments

Spar Urethane is the product that turned up in my searches time and time again. It’s what I now apply to every resin figurine I use in making my garden art. This wonderful product has superior UV protection that keeps resin ornaments from fading. Make sure it says “exterior”. It also comes in a liquid form that’s applied with a paint brush. But that can be messy and you may get drips that when dry, mar the appearance of your lawn decor.

I prefer the spray which gives excellent coverage and comes in gloss or satin finishes. Again, make sure it says “exterior”. There is no strong odor like spray paint and it dries super quick and crystal clear.

Tips for using Spar Urethane

  • The ornament should be clean and free from dust and debris
  • Wash it gently by hand in warm soapy water using a cloth (do not scrub). Rinse well
  • Allow it to dry completely before spraying
  • Apply several light coats

You’ve spent good money on those charming figurines and want them to look nice in your yard or garden. It’s a shame to have to throw them away when they are no longer attractive. Maybe now, you won’t have to! It wasn’t too late for my fairy, and chances are good its not too late for your lawn ornaments. Otherwise, the next time you purchase a resin statue, treat it first with spar urethane to ensure it stays looking good for many years.

One more solution

If your resin lawn ornaments are badly faded–don’t give up on them just yet! They can be re-painted with regular craft paint. And then, of course, sealed with the Spar Urethane. Craft paint is pretty cheap and the original colors on those figurines are quite easy to match . You might consider giving this a try.

** Note: My recommendation is based solely on experience with the product as an artist and it is not to be considered an advertisement. I do not receive any benefit from promoting this product nor do I have any connection to the manufacturer.


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I hope this article was helpful. Please share your thoughts and ideas in the comments below.

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9 thoughts on “How to Prevent Resin Lawn Ornaments From Fading

    1. Thank you for your kind words. We’re a new art & garden blog, and hope you’ll return to our site for help and ideas in the future. Sincerely, Kristen, MIAG Editor

  1. I’m glad I found your page!! I have a couple of resin statues that have faded as well as two decorative wood birdhouses that have faded/weathered and need to be repainted. I’m thinking they will need to be cleaned a bit before repainting, but not sure whether a cold rinse under the garden hose will suffice or if I need to wash them with some kind of soap. Can you advise me as to how to prepare them before repainting them? Thank you in advance 🙂

    1. You did a good job getting in touch! Those must be very special pieces to get such wonderful attention from you and to be made like new again to shine in your garden. One of the first articles I wrote for my page was about resin yard art. As mentioned in my previous response, wash the resin piece gently with dish soap. Repaint with craft paint and use a sealer or try a spray coat of spar Urethane for exterior to protect your paint job. If the wooden bird house has peeling paint, get all the loose paint off first. Otherwise maybe just wash gently to remove dirt and allow to thoroughly dry before adding a new coat of paint. Let me know how it goes, ok? Have a great summer, Kristen

  2. Hi! I think I received a statue that was slightly sun faded ( not as red as photo) will it continue to fade indoors? It’s resin, and I allready returned 2 that were more red but
    Damaged, & am mad I had to pay return ship.! Will this one continue to fade indoors? I am afraid to order another in case it is faded also! Or damaged! Thank you

    1. That is so frustrating! Unfortunately, painted resin has a short life span. The resin itself is light weight and less breakable so it does have some nice qualities…but the color is prone to fade as you discovered. Your statue may (might) continue to fade indoors if placed in front of a sunny window in direct sunlight. Fortunately, resin is easy to repaint if the colors have dulled. Inexpensive craft paint and a set of cheap brushes you can find at Hobby Lobby or Michaels. If the statue still looks good, try spraying with the product recommended in the article, OR clear spray paint. Lately, I’ve been using Rust-Oleum clear which states on the can that it seals, protects and is UV resistant. UV refers to sunlight. A sealer will help prevent colors from washing out. Give it a try!

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