Comments on: The Shepherd’s Surprise Creating imaginative & inviting places Fri, 15 Dec 2023 17:16:58 +0000 hourly 1 By: Kris Spencer Fri, 15 Dec 2023 17:16:58 +0000 In reply to Serena.

Thank you fellow “wonderer” for your kind remarks. I enjoy writing and aim to inspire…especially when it comes to Bible topics. We can get so familiar with the stories hearing them over and over again at Christmas, that we fail to be amazed anymore. I agree with you about Mary. The first time she has morning sickness…as her baby bump begins showing, the first time she feels baby Jesus kick. And all the while knowing that she has never been with a man. The reality of being called by God to participate in His plan. God’s ways are wonder-FULL and beyond knowing!

By: Serena Thu, 14 Dec 2023 14:31:09 +0000 What a beautiful article. How awesome is our God that he sent a baby. I agree, that I do wonder what their thoughts were. Thank you for stirring my thoughts. I have been thinking of Mary. A very young woman. What were her thoughts. Her fears. We forget how difficult it would be for her. But God made the way.
