Comments on: Straight Talk About Glue and Garden Art Creating imaginative & inviting places Tue, 14 Nov 2023 07:56:00 +0000 hourly 1 By: Kris Spencer Tue, 14 Nov 2023 07:56:00 +0000 In reply to Carolena.

You’re very welcome. Helping others make pretty garden art is what “Make it a Garden” is all about. I’m so happy you didn’t give up! Good for you! I’ve learned myself that if something doesn’t go right, to find out ‘why’ and make adjustments. That’s where knowledge kicks in! Just FYI “Gorilla” is a brand name. They make many different products under that name, including a silicone. But it’s 90% silicone (If I remember right), which will work. But I like the brand GE silicone which is 100% silicone. I’m always available if you have further questions.

By: Carolena Tue, 14 Nov 2023 05:06:03 +0000 Thank you much, I did 4 but only have one left standing, because I use the wrong glue, I learn so much from reading article did know all that about blue, I thought just because of the name gorilla glue that would work so that’s what I tried along with the 6000 but I didn’t fall out for too long but I will not give up I’m gonna make sure that I try another method because I’m not the one to give up and I love beautiful things and when I saw the flowers it was awesome and I had to do it myself so I just wanna say thank you,

By: Kris Spencer Thu, 15 Sep 2022 04:19:20 +0000 In reply to Heidi Hamann.

Thanks for sharing your experience with Marine Glue. What I pay the most attention to is the heat resistant rating. Depending on where you live, it may or may not be a factor. It’s certainly NOT a factor where I live and glues like E-6000 work just fine w/o fail and while I do not have personal experience with marine glue, I’m sure it would perform just as well. However, according to the manufacturer, the marine glue made by Goop has a heat tolerance of 180 degrees. Similar to E-6000. Silicone (as mentioned in the article) is rated to 400. It’s not just the outside air temperature. Glass absorbs and retains heat and that contributes to glue fails. As for your bird bath, have you tried sanding the surface? Is it possible remove the paint at the part you want to bond together? If it’s ceramic, you may be able to add a thin layer of clay or concrete to the bottom and then try again. As much as ‘problems’ exasperate me, I learn so much about how things work when looking for solutions. I hope things go well with your projects and thanks for visiting my site. ~ Kristen

By: Heidi Hamann Tue, 13 Sep 2022 20:10:41 +0000 we've had a heck of a time with 1 of our bird baths. Thank you for the information]]> I have been using Marine Glue from Goop. It dries clear like the e6000 glue.
It’s for water and heat, comes from Menards. I would really like to try the drilling but haven’t gotten the chance yet.
Yes you really have to be careful for any glass that has paint on it because the glue does not stick to it 😡 we’ve had a heck of a time with 1 of our bird baths.
Thank you for the information

By: Kris Spencer Tue, 08 Mar 2022 18:00:02 +0000 In reply to Renee.

I agree! I’m glad your lovely garden art piece is fixable! I appreciate your comment, thank you!

By: Renee Tue, 08 Mar 2022 06:20:10 +0000 Thank you, this is very helpful. I have to repair a glass garden art piece where the adhesive failed on a painted dish. Some of the paint came away when I separated the loose pieces and I think that will actually make the seal stronger on the clear glass.
