Comments on: Simple Projects That Make Backyards Fun Creating imaginative & inviting places Sun, 03 Mar 2024 00:34:37 +0000 hourly 1 By: Kris Spencer Sun, 03 Mar 2024 00:34:37 +0000 In reply to Greg Sungreen.

Personally, I like developing flower beds, garden pathways and “destination areas”…the firepit, a hammock, or a she shed. A destination is important because it gives you someplace to go in your yard, even if it’s just 50feet across the lawn. And then that “destination” becomes a focal point. And then I just start filling it in, in between. Such as a pathway to lead you there, or something of interest along the way…a garden bed, a vignette/fountain, sculpture etc. As for ‘problems’, it’s fighting back the natural vegetation as I live in a rural area, very forested. Tree roots and their suckers, keeping wild shrubs trimmed. Maintenance is always on-going. But I love seeing it change and begin to take shape little by little each year.

By: Greg Sungreen Sat, 02 Mar 2024 11:04:06 +0000 Thank you for proposing simple ideas to add joy to your lawn. What are some of your favorite backyard DIY projects, and how do they improve your outside living space? Have you discovered any unexpected perks or problems while working on backyard projects?
