Comments on: How I Made My Darling Little Mermaid Fountain Creating imaginative & inviting places Mon, 03 Mar 2025 06:12:59 +0000 hourly 1 By: Kris Spencer Mon, 03 Mar 2025 06:12:59 +0000 In reply to Leslie Lewis.

Thanks Leslie, I appreciate your comments. When I first started back in 2016-2017, I looked for the best methods and glues as I planned to sell my creations and wanted to establish a good reputation as a maker. I found solid information and learned from some good folks. But oh, boy…was it ever a learning curve! When I write my tutorials, I remember what was helpful to me. I remember the questions I had and some of the issues I came across and a little ingenuity to resolve them. The makers I admired the most across the Internet and You Tube, were those who didn’t just give the ‘what’, but the ‘why’. How much I appreciated those little details. So, I purposed to do the same. I want others to be successful and have fun making garden art and not get too frustrated.

Unfortunately, I recently put the newsletter to rest. While I loved doing it (and had a lot of wonderful subscribers) …the costs associated with it were rising. Because I don’t monetize or run ads or sell anything, steeper costs were harder on my budget. You’ll be happy to hear I am keeping the website and plan to update articles and write new ones. I’m always glad to be of help. You can still contact me through the website or find Make it a Garden on Facebook!

By: Leslie Lewis Fri, 28 Feb 2025 20:20:54 +0000 Hello,
I have been collecting glass plates lately. Seemingly so has everyone else in my area of Utah. Davis County is notoriously crafty.
Silly me, I never thought of painting clear plates!
All the stuff I have read through this site is well-researched (personal experience I see) and very helpful. The business about glue-types, drilling holes in plates, paint-types, etc. is what us novice makers want to know.
I am currently seeking your newsletter for which I’d like to subscribe.
Thanks for your clear, easy to read and comprehend, information! AND THE GORGEOUS PICTURES!
Leslie Lewis
Centerville, Utah

By: Kris Spencer Wed, 17 Aug 2022 00:33:45 +0000 In reply to Jeri Ankerfelt.

Thanks for dropping a line, Jeri! I’m in Alaska. But thrift store donations travel all over the place! I’ve had that blue glass clam shell for at least 2 years and was planning to do an ocean-themed garden totem. And then when I found the large bowl with the shell motif and the mermaid figurine…it all came together into a fountain. That’s kind of how “art” seems to work out for me. I’m so glad you found my site and are interested in making yard art. I hope you’ll find it as stimulating and fun as a lot of us here, do! ~Kristen

By: Jeri Ankerfelt Tue, 16 Aug 2022 18:19:27 +0000 I just have to ask where you are. In your fountain photos, I have seen 2 items, the blue clam shell and the floral vase, that I had and then gave them to a local thrift store. So I was curious.
Also, Now I am sorry that I had given many pieces away. I have just started making yard art.
I am so glad to have found your site.
