Comments on: Clover lawns: new ideas for ground covers Creating imaginative & inviting places Wed, 05 Jan 2022 05:40:10 +0000 hourly 1 By: admin Mon, 24 Feb 2020 22:12:22 +0000 In reply to Daniel Ray.

Mr. Ray, thank you so kindly for taking the time to respond! You must know how it makes a blogger’s day! I really care about the sources that I quote and want to link to quality content. I believe the best way to influence people is to help them re-think their ground covers and point to a beauty and benefit they hadn’t thought of before. I’m certainly re-thinking things myself as I create the outdoor spaces around my home. Thanks again!

By: Daniel Ray Mon, 24 Feb 2020 14:54:15 +0000 Thanks for the shoutout, Kris. I’m Daniel Ray, the editor over at LawnStarter. And yes, clover is an old idea that has come back around. It’s a shame the way that chemical manufacturers rebranded clover in order to sell herbicides, downgrading it from a welcome plant to a weed. My joke is that it’s the most malicious plant re-branding since the American Revolution, when we all decided to shun tea.
